Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Melt The Snow - Shane Ward
This is the lovely song that someone have dedicated to me... Although my hands will always be cold but i am not worried about it anymore as i know you will always be there for me to hold my hands with your warm little hands to keep me away from the cold...
Monday, June 21, 2010
男女有别,雌激素让女人温柔似水,雄激素让男人刚强如山,自古男儿有泪不轻弹,即使是最柔弱的男子也有他男子汉的一面,男人的眼泪从来不会轻易掉下来。事 业失败时不会,男人只会卷起袖子从头再来,期待总有一天的雄起卷土重来;天灾人祸时不会,男人只会擦干汗水而不是泪水,期待重建更美好的家园;面对这一切 的困难,男人的特质永远是沉如山刚如石,泪水决不会轻易流下来。
但有一种情况例外,男人会任由眼泪飞流,那就是在男人动了真感情 时,在自已最爱的女人面前完全无法自制。在最爱的女人面前男人完全改变模样,变得像小男孩一样,会厥起嘴,那泪儿啊泪儿流得那么自然那么真情动人。正因男 儿有泪不轻弹才更显男儿泪的珍贵与动容。这个世界也许并不缺爱,但其实并没有多少真爱,如果有男人愿为女人流真情的泪,那一定是男人已无可救药的真爱上这 个女人,也许某些男人会说些甜言蜜语来哄骗女人,但眼泪决不是能随便挤出来的,眼泪是男人的情,是男人的心,男人动了嘴说了情话并不能说明男人的心男人的 情,只有男人的眼角有了泪才是男人的爱已深入内心最深处,这是无法骗瞒的真情。正因如此,男人的眼泪更摄人心魂更憾人更动容。
男 人,刚强是你的本性,面对困难泪请勿轻弹,也许很痛但决不要哭泣,坚强是你的责任,老父老母爱人孩子需要你的坚强支撑与保护,你哭了,世界就垮了;但记住 刚强并不等于麻木无情心冷如冰,如果你是因为爱,如果是因为幸福,那就哭吧,语言并不能表达所有的真情感,只有泪水可以,男人为爱流泪最可爱!(但请不要 流那虚假的泪水骗女人,那比拿刀杀人更毒更没人性)。
女人,如果有男人在困难而前柔弱不堪一击哭哭啼啼,那么请离开他,那不是你可 以依靠终生的男人;如果有男人为你流下动情的眼泪,那么请拉紧他的手,那是你可以牵手一生的男人。
但有一种情况例外,男人会任由眼泪飞流,那就是在男人动了真感情 时,在自已最爱的女人面前完全无法自制。在最爱的女人面前男人完全改变模样,变得像小男孩一样,会厥起嘴,那泪儿啊泪儿流得那么自然那么真情动人。正因男 儿有泪不轻弹才更显男儿泪的珍贵与动容。这个世界也许并不缺爱,但其实并没有多少真爱,如果有男人愿为女人流真情的泪,那一定是男人已无可救药的真爱上这 个女人,也许某些男人会说些甜言蜜语来哄骗女人,但眼泪决不是能随便挤出来的,眼泪是男人的情,是男人的心,男人动了嘴说了情话并不能说明男人的心男人的 情,只有男人的眼角有了泪才是男人的爱已深入内心最深处,这是无法骗瞒的真情。正因如此,男人的眼泪更摄人心魂更憾人更动容。
男 人,刚强是你的本性,面对困难泪请勿轻弹,也许很痛但决不要哭泣,坚强是你的责任,老父老母爱人孩子需要你的坚强支撑与保护,你哭了,世界就垮了;但记住 刚强并不等于麻木无情心冷如冰,如果你是因为爱,如果是因为幸福,那就哭吧,语言并不能表达所有的真情感,只有泪水可以,男人为爱流泪最可爱!(但请不要 流那虚假的泪水骗女人,那比拿刀杀人更毒更没人性)。
女人,如果有男人在困难而前柔弱不堪一击哭哭啼啼,那么请离开他,那不是你可 以依靠终生的男人;如果有男人为你流下动情的眼泪,那么请拉紧他的手,那是你可以牵手一生的男人。
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
FIFA World Cup 2010 finally arrived after the long awaited wait... And I have been watching ALL the matches together with my friends on a 42" TV with Astro Beyond... Bliss~~* Being lack of sleep watching those star players play was fully worth every ounce of it... ^^ Here's a summary of all the previous matches and results up until now...
1st Day
South Africa - Mexico (1:1) - lotsa people gonna jump off the building for the draw...
Uruguay - France (0:0) - huge disappointment for France fans all over the world. All the star players are out but still cant score...
2nd Day
Korea Republic - Greece (2:0) - 1st goal within 7th minute of the game. Not a bad effort for Greece's defending for their first appearances in FIFA...
Argentina - Nigeria (1:0) - 1st goal within 5th minute of the game. other than that, nothing special throughout the game...
England - USA (1:1) - 1st goal within 3rd minute of the game from England, but a silly mistake from England amateur keeper Robert Green allows USA to tie even with England. Beckham's face was as black as coal after that mistake...
3rd Day
Algeria - Slovenia (0:1) - last minute goal from Slovenia in additional time ends the game without giving Algeria to have time to revenge...
Serbia - Ghana (0:1) - nothing special in this match. Red card for 1 of Serbian players and 1 score for Ghana after that with a penalty kick for a handball foul...
Germany - Australia (4:0) - Full force from Germany perfect passing and steady ball handling in front of goalpost leaves Australia dumbstruck with no chance for consolation goal. Red card for 1 of Australia players and lots and lots of yellow card for most of Australia players. Mind you, this is soccer not footy.
That's it for now... More result and highlights to come on the next post... ^^
1st Day
South Africa - Mexico (1:1) - lotsa people gonna jump off the building for the draw...
Uruguay - France (0:0) - huge disappointment for France fans all over the world. All the star players are out but still cant score...
2nd Day
Korea Republic - Greece (2:0) - 1st goal within 7th minute of the game. Not a bad effort for Greece's defending for their first appearances in FIFA...
Argentina - Nigeria (1:0) - 1st goal within 5th minute of the game. other than that, nothing special throughout the game...
England - USA (1:1) - 1st goal within 3rd minute of the game from England, but a silly mistake from England amateur keeper Robert Green allows USA to tie even with England. Beckham's face was as black as coal after that mistake...
3rd Day
Algeria - Slovenia (0:1) - last minute goal from Slovenia in additional time ends the game without giving Algeria to have time to revenge...
Serbia - Ghana (0:1) - nothing special in this match. Red card for 1 of Serbian players and 1 score for Ghana after that with a penalty kick for a handball foul...
Germany - Australia (4:0) - Full force from Germany perfect passing and steady ball handling in front of goalpost leaves Australia dumbstruck with no chance for consolation goal. Red card for 1 of Australia players and lots and lots of yellow card for most of Australia players. Mind you, this is soccer not footy.
That's it for now... More result and highlights to come on the next post... ^^
Saturday, June 12, 2010
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