Monday, October 11, 2010

5 Things That I Hate...

1. To see others cry... it is against my personality... all the while i have been cheerful to people around me is because i believe that emotions can spread to others around you... if you are feeling sad you would probably spread it to friends among you... this is why i would like to spread this cheerful and happy feeling as much as i can around me... but seeing others around me cry, its like a sign that tells me i have failed... sooner or later, me myself will be affected by this sad feeling as well... which is why i dont like to see people around me cry...

2. To be threatened or blackmailed... if you have known me for long enough, you will know that im a soft person inside... if you wanted something from me or wants me to do something for you, all you have to do is to ask nicely and gently. On the other hand, if you use force or threaten me to get what you want, the end result will be totally opposite of what you will get from me.

3. To guess what is in a girls mind... here's the truth, i suck at guessing a girl's mind. wouldn't it be easier if they just tell you what is in their mind and what they want straight? it gets me really frustrated knowing that you want something from me but having no idea what it is! here's the fact about me, subtle hints dont work on me, obvious hints dont work on me, and if you keep hinting me of what you want from me, you are just wasting your time. just get straight to the point and tell me what you want. the world would work wonders this way...

4. To be told or reminded to do something repeatedly... why? it shows that you do not trust me enough to do it. and if you do not trust me enough to do it anyway, why ask me to do it in the first place? get somebody that you can trust to do it for you and it will save me a lot of trouble... and it really gets me frustrated to be constantly reminded of something once every 5 minute...
A: can you pick me up at the front door of timesquare tonight at 9pm?
Me: ok sure...
(few hours later...)
A: you are picking me up at timesquare later right?
Me: yes...
A: dont forget its 9pm tonight...
Me: ok...
(few hours later...)
A: dont forget to pick me up at timesquare later at 9pm...
Me: i said i will be there and i will! what are you worying about?
A: i dont know, you might forget or fell asleep or etc etc etc
(who falls asleep at 9pm anyway???)
(just before 9pm...)
A: are you on the way to pick me up yet??? dont forget its the front door...
Me: !@#$%^&*()!@#$%^&*

see how frustrating it gets everytime i get reminded of the same thing over and over again? of you do not have enough faith in me then dont ask me to do it in the first place. ask others that you have faith in.

5. To be framed and accused of something... if i say i love u with all my heart, i mean it. and i will be willing to sacrifice anything just for you to prove it to you. all you need to do is ask. but yet, it really hurts my heart when so much have been sacrificed and yet you can still deny what i have done for you with just a single sentence. by accusing me and saying that i hate you means that all that i have sacrificed for you before this means nothing to you. therefore, this tells me that in the future, i do not need to do anything to impress you because whatever i do i will only just go to waste and you will probably say that i hate you anyway in the end.

Monday, October 4, 2010

10 Things girls don't know about guys...

1. When you kiss us for the first time, we close our eyes for a second then open one to see if your eyes are closed as well. If they are we get the thumbs up signal from you saying you like us back and we will add more passion to the kiss. Thats why some girls realize first kisses gets better with every second that pass by.

2. In a relationship, whenever a girl is far away from us they're always on our mind. No matter how hard we try, she'll always be the first thing we think of in the morning and the last thing we think of before we went to sleep every night. Sure, guys tell this to girls all the time but it's not bullshit if a good guy tells you this while looking at you straight in your eyes. Hold on to him because he's the one who will cherish every moment he spends with you and will remember every second.

3. Don't be afraid to tell us what's wrong. Whether it's your best friend or your family, hurt you in any way. We will fight for you and even if we end up in the hospital we won't care because we know you will be right by our side when we wake up. No matter what you can always trust a guy that cares for you well always to be there to catch you when you fall.

4. If a guy wants to kiss you for the first time he will do three things...
  • look at you so deeply in your eyes as if he is staring at your soul...
  • tell you something romantic such as if the world would end tomorrow he is glad to have spent his last day with you...
  • give you a peck and wait for you to lean in to continue... ( sign of true gentleman)
5. The moment we say goodbye to you we always wished we had one more minute with you. One more minute whether it's spent talking to you or hugging you or just looking to each other's eye and smiling. When we say that we wish we could've spend more time together we actually mean it. You are the best part of our day and the last person we want to say goodbye to. And know that you are the one we look forward to meet at the end of a long and tiring day at work. Don't ask us not to come and find you and go get some rest at home because you are worried we are too tired after our long day of work. Meeting you after a long day simply takes all the exhaustion away from us immediately.

6. When you start talking about something and you start running out of breath, we know you are trying to tell us you like us so you talk about something non-stop. A smart guy would put one hand on your waist and with the other hand he will either hold your hands tightly or cup your cheeks and kiss you. If he does this when you break apart, the only thing that would make it even more special, is for you to forget what you were talking about and admit it. Don't lie because we know when you are lying.

7. When we slow dance together, it's the one moment we both remember. Girls will think it's very cute and perfect and some will even remember the song we danced to. Just remember we don't care about songs and we would slow dance to a girl we really like with no music at all if it is. No matter how long we will always remember the moment we spent together and make it count. Life is our dance floor. Love is our rhythm. And you are the music.

8. It's all right if a girl once had something really special with a good guy once and it's over. Don't stop talking to us. And if you trusted us once you always can. And if you and a guy didn't work out together, don't ignore his hellos even if he broke up with you. We know it's hard but the last thing any guy wants is to lose everything he had so even if it's over stay friends. We know no more hugs and kisses but you can't change what happened between us. You will always have a shoulder to cry on and a friend to rely on when you need help. Once a friend always a friend.

9. Don't argue when we pay for you. Sure we do it because its cute and a lovely thing to do but we really do it because we wanted to. You can be the richest girl in the whole world and yet every time we were with you we become the richest guy in the whole world so please just say ok. We love buying gifts and opening doors for you. DON'T USE A GUY IF YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU WILL GET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND AFTER USING US. YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING.

10. There are three major things...
  • A guy's first impression of a girl isn't "nice ass" or "huge tits". That's actually something we tell our buddies about girls we have met to show off and brag. What we really see first in a girl is her eyes, her smile and her confidence. If a girl isn't afraid to take control, that is one of the sexiest qualities a guy looks for.
  • Every straight guy's fantasy isn't a threesome.(for some guy it is but that just shows that they are not mature yet...) Our fantasy is to one day be able to wake up next to the girl of our dreams, look her in the eye and just forget about all our worries and strifes. We don't want to screw her brains off and just fall asleep next to her because we actually prefer relationships more than one night stands.
  • just because a girl is drop dead gorgeous doesn't mean we will like her and would die for her. That is bullshit. We want a girl that is perfect for us. Personality is what we look for not beauty. Beauty is something i would like to call "bonus points". If you are really ugly then you had better have a killer personality or you are screwed. So no matter what just remember, don't ask your boyfriends how you look because you look good to them in anything whether if it is a prom dress or T-shirts and shorts.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sweet Memories~~~

Just had some free time and made some picture photoshops of me and my dear.... ^^








Friday, August 20, 2010

















Thursday, August 19, 2010








Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Dedicate this romantic song to Winnie my dear... ^^ altho this is not the complete version of the song but in my opinion u will like this version better... ^^

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hot Milk

On a night when we can't even see the moon
I opened my eyes and find myself alone
Curled up on the corner of my bed
Thinking of you and the wonders you've brought

You are by my side at night
Loving me sweetly
And when you say "Why do you love me?"
I have no idea at all

It makes me glad to know I am the one
The one that is most important to you
And you're definitely the one
The one who knows whats most important to me

I hugged you tightly in my arms
Along with that little belief of mine
So tight i can barely breathe myself
Because I want to feel you near me
My most important person
From now until forever

I will be sleeping soundly tonight
after drinking a glass of hot milk

I will be sleeping soundly tonight
Because you are here right next to me

Monday, July 5, 2010

阿C & 妹C


阿C - 所谓的阿C就是指一些常被女孩欢呼来做司机的男人。这些男人。。。只要一通电话,不管狂风暴雨,雷雨交加,就算是三更半夜,都会马上赶到,把所谓的女生在到目的地,或者是把他们从老远的地方送到回家为止。到最后希望可以得到这女生的同意,有机会和此女生交往,得到女生的宠爱。可惜的是。。。女生并没有过这么样的感觉和想法,根本就看不上眼,反而利用这个男人为她的阿C,要去那儿,或是要回那儿,一通电话,就去得到。多方便!派不上用场的时候,不要说电话,讯息都不会有一条。就让他自生自灭,等到需要他载的时候在联络也不迟。。。

妹C - 所谓的妹C,和以上的阿C有点相似。。。不过呢,阿C是负责载送的,而妹C是负责陪着这女生一起出街的。娱乐啦,购物啦,吃喝啦,各种各类的。而且全部都由此妹C付账,此女生一分钱也不用掏出来。一样的,妹C也是希望可以得到此女生的宠爱和喜欢。女生也一样根本不成考虑过要他们为男朋友。好了,玩够了,钱也花得七七八八了,就从此不在联络这妹C了。直到下次他又有钱的时候,才再约他出来玩。。。



Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Melt The Snow - Shane Ward

This is the lovely song that someone have dedicated to me... Although my hands will always be cold but i am not worried about it anymore as i know you will always be there for me to hold my hands with your warm little hands to keep me away from the cold...

Monday, June 21, 2010


男女有别,雌激素让女人温柔似水,雄激素让男人刚强如山,自古男儿有泪不轻弹,即使是最柔弱的男子也有他男子汉的一面,男人的眼泪从来不会轻易掉下来。事 业失败时不会,男人只会卷起袖子从头再来,期待总有一天的雄起卷土重来;天灾人祸时不会,男人只会擦干汗水而不是泪水,期待重建更美好的家园;面对这一切 的困难,男人的特质永远是沉如山刚如石,泪水决不会轻易流下来。

  但有一种情况例外,男人会任由眼泪飞流,那就是在男人动了真感情 时,在自已最爱的女人面前完全无法自制。在最爱的女人面前男人完全改变模样,变得像小男孩一样,会厥起嘴,那泪儿啊泪儿流得那么自然那么真情动人。正因男 儿有泪不轻弹才更显男儿泪的珍贵与动容。这个世界也许并不缺爱,但其实并没有多少真爱,如果有男人愿为女人流真情的泪,那一定是男人已无可救药的真爱上这 个女人,也许某些男人会说些甜言蜜语来哄骗女人,但眼泪决不是能随便挤出来的,眼泪是男人的情,是男人的心,男人动了嘴说了情话并不能说明男人的心男人的 情,只有男人的眼角有了泪才是男人的爱已深入内心最深处,这是无法骗瞒的真情。正因如此,男人的眼泪更摄人心魂更憾人更动容。

  男 人,刚强是你的本性,面对困难泪请勿轻弹,也许很痛但决不要哭泣,坚强是你的责任,老父老母爱人孩子需要你的坚强支撑与保护,你哭了,世界就垮了;但记住 刚强并不等于麻木无情心冷如冰,如果你是因为爱,如果是因为幸福,那就哭吧,语言并不能表达所有的真情感,只有泪水可以,男人为爱流泪最可爱!(但请不要 流那虚假的泪水骗女人,那比拿刀杀人更毒更没人性)。

  女人,如果有男人在困难而前柔弱不堪一击哭哭啼啼,那么请离开他,那不是你可 以依靠终生的男人;如果有男人为你流下动情的眼泪,那么请拉紧他的手,那是你可以牵手一生的男人。

Saturday, June 19, 2010


在网上找到了这一篇由一位小学学生所写的日记,想与大家分享分享。。。 ^^

Monday, June 14, 2010


FIFA World Cup 2010 finally arrived after the long awaited wait... And I have been watching ALL the matches together with my friends on a 42" TV with Astro Beyond... Bliss~~* Being lack of sleep watching those star players play was fully worth every ounce of it... ^^ Here's a summary of all the previous matches and results up until now...

1st Day
South Africa - Mexico (1:1) - lotsa people gonna jump off the building for the draw...
Uruguay - France (0:0) - huge disappointment for France fans all over the world. All the star players are out but still cant score...

2nd Day
Korea Republic - Greece (2:0) - 1st goal within 7th minute of the game. Not a bad effort for Greece's defending for their first appearances in FIFA...
Argentina - Nigeria (1:0) - 1st goal within 5th minute of the game. other than that, nothing special throughout the game...
England - USA (1:1) - 1st goal within 3rd minute of the game from England, but a silly mistake from England amateur keeper Robert Green allows USA to tie even with England. Beckham's face was as black as coal after that mistake...

3rd Day
Algeria - Slovenia (0:1) - last minute goal from Slovenia in additional time ends the game without giving Algeria to have time to revenge...
Serbia - Ghana (0:1) - nothing special in this match. Red card for 1 of Serbian players and 1 score for Ghana after that with a penalty kick for a handball foul...
Germany - Australia (4:0) - Full force from Germany perfect passing and steady ball handling in front of goalpost leaves Australia dumbstruck with no chance for consolation goal. Red card for 1 of Australia players and lots and lots of yellow card for most of Australia players. Mind you, this is soccer not footy.

That's it for now... More result and highlights to come on the next post... ^^

Saturday, June 12, 2010





Thursday, May 27, 2010

Introducing... HLA Wealth Builder

Good news to all as HLA (Hong Leong Assurance) Wealth Builder has been launched. Your long awaiting savings plan with annual guaranteed income starting from the first year towards maturity has been designed to cater your financial needs.

HLA Wealth Builder has the saving term of only 6 years, one of the shortest term any plan could offer in the market. It offers you the shortest savings years with the longest up to 90years policy term for your needs.

Different people has different financial needs. HLA Wealth Builder gives you the flexibility to build, to plan and to decide on the stream of income you wish to enjoy throughout the years.

You Plant, You Grow, You Harvest!

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Harvest : You Harvest the tenure of your premium commitment

HLA Wealth Builder is easy on your wallet

You can choose to pay for 6 years only with policy term ranging from 20 to 35 years( up to 90 years). Savings can be made either annually, quarterly, half yearly or monthly through cash, cheque, credit card, or autodebit.

Now... Why HLA Wealth Builder?

  1. Your SAVINGS amount are guaranteed. No Risk
  2. Guaranteed 6 years payment only. Shorest-Term
  3. Guaranteed CASH PAYMENT throughout the whole policy term (from 1st Year)
  4. Death/TPD Benefits. Protection
  5. All future Guaranteed Cash Payments are payable in total upon Death/TPD. Coverage
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You are the Architect for your own Dream!

Do not miss this fantastic opportunities ! More info, contact me Wayne - 017 617 0900. T&C apply. Thank you~ ^^

Friday, May 21, 2010








Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Series Of Questions...

Try answering it yourselves before looking at my answers...

Do you really see ??
Do you really hear ??
Do you really observe ??
Do you really listen ??

What do you really know ??
What do you really understand ??

What can you really do ??
What can you really contribute ??
What can you really give ??

How do you really care ??
How do you really love ??
How do you really show ??
How do you really support ??

Do we really want it ??
Do we really need it ??

Who are you ??
What are you ??
Where are you ??
Where are you going ??
Where did you come from ??

Are you sure ??
Are you really sure ??

My Answers:
Yes I do see what the Lord wanted me to see
Yes I do hear
what the Lord wanted to tell me
Yes I do observe what the Lord had shown me
Yes I do listen what the Lord tells me

I know what the Lord has taught me
I understand what the Lord wanted me to do

I can be God's hand and feet
I can contribute by bringing more lives before the Lord
I can give others what the Lord had given me

I care by sharing the Lords love
I love by taking actions, not just speech
I do not need to show. Others will notice by themselves
I support by being there individually just as the Lord had done for me

Yes we really wanted to go to heaven
Yes we really needed to go to heaven

I am the Lord's child whom he loved very much
I am a human, a creation of the Lord
I am stuck in between heaven and hell. What I do now determines where I go after I die
I am going to a place with no worries also known as heaven
I came from a place with no impurities, and my mind was polluted by family and school education while i was still studying

I am sure
I am really sure

Saturday, May 8, 2010




Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Open The Eyes Of My Heart Chords

Open The Eyes of My Heart

Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you
          E         G  A
I want to see you
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see you
          E        E  E/D   E
I want to see you
           B               C#m
To see You high and lifted up
A                            B
Shining in the light of Your glory
B                       C#m
Pour out Your power and love
           A           B     
As we sing holy, holy, holy
A           B
Holy, holy, holy
I want to see you

Credits to ^^